It has been almost a year since I last ran. In between those months that elapsed, I did some short runs and swore I would do it on a regular basis. Sad to say all those plans didnt materialize. I feel embarrassed to admit that I got really lazy and complacent. One month of putting off my run, turned into a year. With the additional unnecessary weight, I am back to square one. I cant believe in fact that I have turned my back on one of the things that truly makes me happy and fulfilled. Over the years I have turned to running when I encountered something major in my life. Breakups, career disappointments, failed exams. I would go running and feel a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. It was my sanctuary, my escape. After a run, I feel I can go back and face the world with a more refreshed outlook and confidence. I wonder why I even stopped.
On top of ditching running, I have also gone back to a bad and disgusting vice. No exercise coupled with bad habits make it all the more hard for me. Going back to running is not as easy as it seems to be. Im older, not as limber and my lungs seem to hate me for all the abuse i put it through.
I am slowly taking baby steps to resume running. It has been 4 months since Ive quit my nicotine cravings and been running for a week but I really feel great already.
This will be the first among the many note entries I will be making as I embark on a quite lofty goal. I will be going back to doing one of my sacred passions. It will not be easy at all but I am proud that I have taken the initiative and decision not to give up this time.
Botak, Im back!!!
(photo courtesy of runners world. com.)
motivational tips on running
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