Oct 26, 2021

Daily thoughts - 2 years went by so quickly

Wow its been two years since i wrote anything here. Not that i ran out of things to say really but i just lost the enthusiasm to share random stuff. The world kinda went to shit after that pandemic. We stayed indoors for the most part and there were positive things though that came out from that situation. For one i realized how much I could’ve saved if I had just bought my own treadmill and stationary bike. Those are the only equipment I usually use at the gym. The weights and other gym stuff are usually hogged by patrons . So this works out.  Now that we have our own machine it doesn’t matter if the weather sucks, there is no excuse to miss a workout. Best part I can watch my favourite shows any time of the day and still exercise. Anyway I’m kinda looking forward to posting more stories soon. Two year went by so quickly . I miss thumper and since she passed we adopted a few more . Will be posting photos of them soon and sharing their stories :)

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