I slept in today and almost missed the BINGO affair at Ultra Mega shopping mart. You see over the past few weeks Ive been buying groceries, they give out Bingo cards if you reach a certain amount. The scheduled game was today. There were 4 games and for each game the word SUKI was the pattern. So for game 1 it was the letter S, game 2 it was U, K for game 3 then I for game 4. I didnt win but it was an amusing experience. I kinda felt bad for being late. I had more than 10 bingo cards for game 1. For game 2 I had 8 cards, 1 bingo card for game 3 and 4 for game 4. The prize was a 10K PHP gift certificate where you can buy any grocery for that amount. I was in line paying for my grocery today when I saw the girl behind me with the certificate. So I asked her if she won, she said her mom did. Boy I was green with envy. Imagine how much that could mean to my little store! Well my bad, I slept too late yesterday. The area outside the supermarket was packed with people. It was chaotic! There were stalls that gave out freebies like drinks, food and even alcoholic beverage! wth. Later that afternoon the place was still swarming with people because I heard some young actor was a guest. It was an interesting day and there were girls screaming and giggling when they saw the actor. Hahaha
I went around town today looking around for stuff to add to my store. I found something that made me nostalgic. Its these little things that look like a baby bottle with confectioner's sugar in it. I used to love these when I was 6 years old up until I was in highschool.Also these local candy bars called Lala which has been around for more than 2 decades.

I also went to the market to buy fish and some veggies for my dinner and lunch for Monday. I took these interesting photos:
there is this stall where i see cats hanging out everytime i go by that area of the market. i think its cute.
when i got home, i opened the store for a few hours. even with the bad weather some people still came by to get stuff like vinegar, soy sauce, candies, cigarettes and diaper. I had fun today although it was really tiring.
Wow! It sounds like you had a really busy, exciting day! I'm glad to hear you're having fun!