Jan 23, 2010

DAILY THOUGHTS - on trying to study, tooth fairy, Marmie and my beloved girls


Got up early today (before Lunch is early on a weekend). Time to really study! Ill start around 12 PM today and hopefully finish before its time for my run.

I also hope to see Marmie tonight. I didnt get to see her yesterday which is disappointing. I bought a buggy to stuff my grocery in so I could walk past her block. I called her name but she just wasnt there. I got worried for awhile until Lisa told me last night that she is fine. She saw Marmie asleep near some plotted plants around 12 AM. Poor baby girl. I hope she had dinner though..

Well gotta make some brunch now! Rice and tuna sounds enticing.


Things didnt turn out as planned. As usual, the lazy bug bit me and I didnt study.I slept through the entire day mostly before we got ready and had dinner. After the tasty lunch I had, I just passed out. I just ended up taking photos of my cats, while I was eating. I read a page or 2 of my book then dozed off.

Got up around 5PM. I finished a bowl of rice and tuna and looked around the room. It was a mess. I didnt contribute much to getting the room tidied up today. My loving hubby did all the work. He did the vacuuming and also putting away of junk which were mostly mine.
Also he gave the cats their long overdue bath.

You can see from these photos that they hated it of course. But Im glad my wonderful hubby was patient enough to get that out of the way. The babies have been shedding so much fur that you can make a cat out of it!

After that they settled in their little corner. We decided to take a walk and have dinner at the nearby mall.

We had dinner at Pastamania then I browsed through my book for a mere 45 minutes.
We went to see Tooth Fairy and I almost fell off my seat for laughing the whole time. I didnt expect to like it so much. It was hilarious! I think this movie caters not just to kids. Im sure even adults are gonna get a kick out of it.

On our way home we took the long route so we could check on mini marble. I had to ask Liza where she usually hangs out because I didnt see the cat yesterday. We found Marble at the potted plant and I could tell she was happy to see us. I felt kinda guilty for having to wake her from her sleep but I didnt want her to go to bed with an empty stomach.

So we fed her some kibbles and walked home. It was almost 2 AM when we joined our two furry babies.

Im disappointed with myself for putting off studying. Its less than a week before my exam and I have not even finished reading the book. Ill attempt to study later. I will really try..

Overall, it was a short but eventful and great day=)

Time to hit the sack.


  1. hahah your kitties are so cute! I love the black one :0

  2. Tnx for the comment sush! yeah i love the black one a lot. a little prissy but she is so adorable.


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