Jan 16, 2012

Daily thoughts - Sleepless night, a horny cat and an addicting website

My cat is in heat. She meows all night and sleeps all day. I went to bed at 5am this morning because Thumper was at it continuously when it was time for all of us to go to bed. Damn cat. I cant wait to have her spayed once I get the money for it. 

Well I cant blame my cat entirely for going to bed so late. I found this website that  kept me up longer than I should.

I have always wondered how Id look like if I had purple lipstick and Lady Gaga's hairstyle. Im not good at photoshop so this site was quite a treat.

It lets you change your hairstyle and you also get to pick the color of your lipstick, eyeshadow, mascara, liner, type of fake lashes, you can put blush, concealer and foundation! You can also change the haircolor and add highlights. You can choose from one of the models they have or you can upload your own photo. Of course its more fun if you try it on your own. That way you can make up your mind before chopping or getting a hair color. Oh and you can also change your eye color!

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