Im an adult now and I never thought I would find myself in somewhat a similar situation.
No Im not going to give away my siblings, although it did cross my mind when I was younger, and at that time I wouldnt have felt guilt or sadness in doing it.
Im leaving the country in a few months. When I leave, I have a feeling that the pets in our house will be neglected just the way some pets of mine were a few years back. Needless to say, a favorite cat and dog died when I left for Singapore 4 years ago. This was despite me sending money for their food and other needs. There are more animals in the house this time so Im not taking chances. There are so many pets in the house that arent mine. Most of these animals are my dad's pets. My Dad passed away last September 30 2010. Unfortunately, not everyone in my family shares the kind gene my dad has when it comes to loving animals. For the year that I have stayed here, Ive done my best to take care of these pets. It is not easy because I dont always have the finances to buy their food. Now that Im about to leave, I think its my obligation to find these animals a good home or resort to the unthinkable. I dont want to say the word but there is a fate worse than death and that is living in misery.
There are currently 12 animals in the house not including those Im taking with me.
One of my four brothers have 3 dogs but I know that their real pet is the furry one named Arnold. However the other two have to be adopted out. The older dog named Murgeet belongs to my Dad. Murgeet also has a puppy named Yoobi. Im afraid noone will take care of these two. I have grown very fond of these two dogs but I cannot take them with me. I have 4 cats in tow already. Working on their papers and tickets is already a pain the ass. I havent even bought the tickets which will cost me 200 USD each.
So right now the ones on the adoption list are the following :
1) Maki - 1 year old
2) Squid - 1 year old
3) Dalja - 3 months old
4) C2 - 3months old
5) Pretty - 4 years old
6) Glory - 15 years old
7) Eggnog - adopted
1) Murgeet - 4 years old
2) Yooby - 6 months old
Pepper and Eggnog's kitten Gibor are not up for adoption because my brother and his wife have committed to wanting to take care of them which is great. Glory may not be for adoption too since she is too old and is so bitchy she reminds me of Kitty galore from cats and dogs.
Im hopeful that someone will give these pets a chance to be part of their family. I feel sad and guilty for having to do this but I have to be realistic of the situation. I cannot save them all even if I want to. If I had a lot of money I would even offer to pay those who would adopt our pets but sadly I dont have that. I am hoping someone with a sincere kind heart will love these animals the way I and my dad did.
One of the cats got adopted yesterday. Eggnog is a 4 year old female Siamese and is the kid of one of our Mommy Cats Pepper. I think the reason she was also adopted is because Siamese cats in this part of the world are considered fancy expensive pets. Unlike ordinary stray cats or Puspins (pusakals or pusang Pinoys), Persians or Siamese cats are rarely given out for adoption. People would usually buy them from a pet store. In our case, we just have a lot of cats and the best option is to find them homes that can give them a better quality in life. Im happy someone took Eggnog home and promised to take good care of her.
A year ago it was almost impossible for me and my husband to move our pets here when we left Singapore for a family emergency. But we managed to do it. Im praying that God will help me again this time.
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