Feb 21, 2011

Daily thoughts - Counting today's blessings - Feb 20th visit

Im very happy today. I have so many reasons to be and among them is that my precious Thumper seem to have gotten better.

When I got to the clinic, Thumper was ready to come home with me! she stood up from her carrier and was ready to bolt out. I put the carrier on the floor and removed the top part and she right away wanted to to stroll around the clinic! Unfortunately, she still had the IV drip hooked on so I had to pick her up and put her back in the carrier. But nevertheless, today was very exciting for me. I was able to hold her in my arms and put her on my lap. And she wanted to be petted, rubbed and she showed her satisfaction by giving me big hands and kneading her paws on my arm. I was just kissing and hugging her and I was so happy its like I just gave birth. hehehe

I had to put the top part of the carrier back because there were other animals in the clinic. I didnt want Thumper to get agitated. Trixie, one of the confined dogs, was discharged today. And he unabashedly rushed to the side of the carrier and ate the cat food meant for Thumper. It was funny. The old woman who owns him was yelling at him calling him Patay Gutom. I told her it was okay because my cat didnt want to eat it anyway.
Trixie scooped up by her owner after she ate Thumper's food

Trixie, the cat food thief

Granny of Trixie
Trixie's owner also checked on how Thumper was doing. People who went to pick up their confined pets know Thumper's name because she has been the sole cat in confinement for the entire week. And they were all excited to find out that she is doing better.

Some of the dogs in confinement yesterday were still there. Gypsy the dalmatian, Greg the choco lab, A shihtzu  named Kimchi, the chihuahua that seemed to have mange. I found out his name is Guapito but Cesar the vet assistant called him Poknat, which I thought was funny. Then there was the Pug with the tumor from yesterday. His name was Pug also. There were two other dogs in there but I forgot their names.

There were new patients again today but they werent confined. Most of the animals just had a check up and their vaccination shots.

Pug puppy

This is the sibling of the pug above. This pug is blind. Poor doggie.. reminded me of boomer

Shihtzu named Kingkong. Vet told them they cant bathe Kingkong yet coz he is only 2 months old and hasnt had his shots yet.
Ruba the spoiled Shihtzu was still there too. She will be discharged tomorrow.

Ruba the pampered Shihtzu
I stayed for only 2 hours today. I was really exhausted when I got up around 2PM. I went to the supermarket to buy some rags for Thumper's bedding. The ones I washed the other day arent dry yet. Also we have water shortage at home so I had to put off washing the rest of the soiled beddings I brought home the other day. I bought special treats for Thumper today because I thought she had regained her appetite.

Pounce Perks!

Pounce Perks' Cute heart shaped kibbles

this was on "special". cant resist anything that says "great savings"!
Thumper's favorite among the fancy feast flavors
Thumper just smelled the kibbles and rolled her tongue. She didnt want to eat yet but her nose kept sniffing around and she kept licking her mouth. I hope tomorrow she will finally eat. When I brought these stuff home, the other cats recognized the can and the packets of wet food and were looking at it eagerly. They get wet food every weekends and since they already ate their dinner, I decided I would give them their wet food tomorrow if Thumper does come home. Itll be a perfect day to celebrate.

Baby girl relaxing

She looked sad though when I moved her carrier back on the display table. I think she knew I was about to leave.

Pissed baby girl

Kissed my baby goodnight and promised her tomorrow she will be home if the vet says okay. She didnt seem too pleased when she saw me close the door and walk away.

When I got home I had to wash her beddings. I also prepared dinner for myself, for the 5 cats downstairs and the 4 dogs outside of the house. I also had to give the cats in my room their dinner.

After dinner, the baby girls went to bed early.


Enchong decided to join Boomer. He has his own bed but he likes to cuddle.
As for me, I had to do my accounting. Time for Thumper to go home and for me to settle the bills. I had to break the piggy bank.
I hope the vet accepts coins. lol.
Dapper moved and went to lay down on my wallet. I think she didnt want me to touch her cat food money.
Before I retire for bed, I cant help but smile at the many things in my life I have to be thankful for...The week was really stressful but people have been so kind and encouraging. Also, I consider it a miracle that my baby girl has gotten well. I know she isnt back home yet but seeing her today just was enough to make my day.

A video of Thumper today =)

Thank you Lord for the continued blessings..for :
  1. a wonderful day
  2. a loving husband
  3. for Thumper's third chance at life
  4. healthy baby girls albeit Enchong being smelly, Boomer being blind and Dapper being a bitch
  5. healthy me
  6. no money but enough rice to last for 3 months!
  7. enough emergency food in my store
  8. free housing
  9. a loving family 
  10. supportive and loving friends
  11. i still have internet!=)
 Of course I cant ignore the obvious annoying things like the water problem and dwindling funds,  but Im grateful for another day. I just have more reasons to be happy than sad.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad to hear Thumper is doing better. I'm also glad you're able to stay positive in such a challenging situation. It can only get better, in the near future, I'm sure. There are people that care for you, and I'm glad you remember that.


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